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Game Information
Genre: Adventure Games
Played: 13563 times
Author: Evan Greenstone
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Description: Sneak into the enemy territory avoiding the security cameras, collect the secret files and eliminate the chief.
Instructions: In this interesting game you rely on stealth rather than your fire power. The aim is to sneak into the enemy territory avoiding the guards and collect all the secret files. Finally interrogate the chief and finish him!
To avoid getting caught by the security cameras and lights, destroy them and use your night vision glasses. Sneak up close to the enemies from behind, stab them, choke them or twist their necks without being spotted, using the options at the top corner of the game screen. Destroy the lights and cameras using your tazer.
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Comments & Ratings
Posted on Apr 25th, 2007 @ 19:11:22Rating: 1/10 Add Your Own Please login or register to add a comment.
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