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Game Information
Genre: Other Games
Played: 11993 times
Author: Sandlot Games
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Description: Help Jill save the day by earning enough money to save her grandparents' bakery in this beautiful, fast-paced adventure.
Instructions: Welcome to Cake Mania! Jill, our hero, has returned from culinary school, only to find her beloved grandparents' bakery closed down. Business has taken a drastic downturn because a new Mega-Mart store opened in the neighborhood.
Help Jill save the day by opening a bakery, and earn enough money to re-open her grandparents' shop in this beautiful, fast-paced adventure. Upgrade your equipment and set up 4 different bakeries in exotic locales. Serve up seasonal confectionary delights to a variety of customers. See if you have what it takes to save the Evans Bakery!
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Get the full version now. Why not? You'll enjoy the following...
Over 45 fast-paced levels of baking fun
Bake in four unique locales
Customize your kitchen with strategic upgrades
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