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Genre: Other Games
Played: 7157 times
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Description: Play as a Falafel vendor, prepare delicious snacks for your impatient customers and earn money to become the Falafel King.
Instructions: Falafel is a very popular Middle-Eastern snack - usually served in pita bread with humus, salad and French fries. Here is your chance to experience the difficulties of a falafel vendor dealing with impatient customers while trying to keep them all satisfied.
All you have to do is prepare servings for all your customers. First click on a pita to take it. Then start filling it up. Make sure each serving contains the correct amount of falafel, humus, fries and salad according to the little signs next to each ingredient.
Click each ingredient to put it in the pita. Beware: if you overfill the pita - you lose points! When you run out of fillings, get supplies from your assistant sitting to your left. Click your assistant to call him out. Then click on the trays he is holding to fill up the missing ingredients.
When the serving is ready you will hear a ring. Give the prepared pita immediately to one of your customers. Make sure not to keep the customers waiting for too long or they might get really annoyed. If they get too annoyed you lose the game (Tip: pay attention to the "Anger-Meter" floating above each of the customers).
Whenever flies start eating your food, click the fly repellant on your right to get rid of them. When things get too hectic you can play some music for your customers. Each time you reach 100 points, a cassette will appear in the cassette player on the left. Click the cassette to play the music.
Playing the music will calm down the customers and give you a chance to catch your breath. Click the Pause button or press Space Bar to pause the game. Click the Mute button to stop the background music from playing. If you play well, perhaps you will earn the title of Falafel King! Good Luck!
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