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Game Information
Genre: Multiplayer Games
Played: 17351 times
Author: Iiro
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Description: Fight against a rival knight, break down his castles door and capture his flag in Turnaus.
Instructions: The aim of this two player fighting game is to capture your opponent's flag from his castle. But to get into your rival's castle is a bit harder than you might think. The castle doors are reinforced with granite, so you can't just hack through them with your sword.
You'll have to use your foe as a battering ram and smack him against his castle door until it breaks, allowing you to enter. Break your opponent's castle door thrice to win the battle.
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Comments & Ratings
Posted on Jul 23rd, 2013 @ 19:17:00Comment: Great game Rating: 10/10 Posted on Jul 24th, 2009 @ 14:54:19Comment: dumb Rating: 2/10 Add Your Own Please login or register to add a comment.
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