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Game Information
Genre: Role Playing Games
Played: 20573 times
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Description: The sequel to the already popular Ray, and the decisions you make will determine whether Ray stays alive or not.
Instructions: Welcome to sequel to the popular Ray Part 2. This is an interactive movie, the decisions you make will determine your outcome. Each choice you decide on will reflect on the score you get, as well as how much cash you have left at the end. The movie cannot be fully seen in one play, you should play it at least twice before rating it, or 4 - 5 times to fully see it all. If you die in a mission, You will not have to start again, instead you will be taken back to the choice that failed you giving you a chance to try again....Just Stay Alive!
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Comments & Ratings
Posted on Nov 5th, 2006 @ 19:24:40Comment: its a really cool action game Rating: 7/10 Add Your Own Please login or register to add a comment.
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