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Hybrid Arcade » Action Games » Gold Miner Special Edition
Game Information
Genre: Action Games
Played: 44692 times

Description: Gold Miner is back and he's better than ever! This is the same classic game, now improved in this Special Edition.
Instructions: Use your claw and reel to mine gold and other treasures out of the earth. Your claw will swing back and forth. Click the mouse button (or press the down arrow) to lower it. Grab Bags contain random amounts of money, a strength power-up, or a stick of dynamite. Between levels you can buy items that can help you. Collect the target amount of money by the end of the level.
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Comments & Ratings
Posted on Oct 19th, 2010 @ 08:40:50Comment: Asowme games Rating: 10/10 Add Your Own Please login or register to add a comment.
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