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Hybrid Arcade » Shooting Games » Gunmaster Onslaught 2
Game Information
Genre: Shooting Games
Played: 58201 times

Description: Be the GunMaster... Equiped with a machine gun, rocket launcher, grenades, proximity mines, and RPG... Stay alive as long as possible
Instructions: Tap Left Cntrl to crouch, while crouched your aiming with the gun is much better and you are a smaller target. Falling aircraft cause explosions which can hurt you.
A(hold): Move left
D(hold): Move right
W(hold): Climb up ladder
S(hold): Climb down ladder
E: Throw Molotov Cocktail
R: Throw Shrapnel Proximity Mine
#1-5 Change firing modes (Gun,RPG,Rocket,Shotgun,Uzi)
Spacebar: Jump
Every enemy has a week spot.
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Comments & Ratings
Posted on Jul 26th, 2008 @ 02:39:48Comment: THIS GAME IS FULLY COOL BUT IT WOULD AND BEEN BETTER IF THERE WERE OTHER PLACES U COULD GO Rating: 10/10 Posted on Apr 30th, 2008 @ 12:52:02Comment: The screen is too small, but the game is fun. Rating: 9/10 Posted on Oct 6th, 2007 @ 15:52:25Comment: its ok Rating: 5/10 Add Your Own Please login or register to add a comment.
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