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Game Information
Genre: Other Games
Played: 18693 times

Description: Yep, it's the old favourite, complete with hi-score table for the top 100 elite. Everyone loves pacman!! [Highscore]
Instructions: The object of the game is to guide the yellow Pac-man around the maze eating the little white dots. You must avoid the ghosts as running into them will lose a life. If you eat one of the glowing power pills found in each corner, the ghosts will turn blue for a short period of time and you can then chase the ghosts. If you eat a blue ghost it's eyes will return to the den in the centre of the maze where it will be reborn and come after you again. Occasionally, fruits will appear underneath the ghost's den. Eat these for bonus points.
The game is over when all your Pac-men(?) have been caught by the ghosts.
If your score is high enough, you can enter it on the hi-score table and be the envy of your friends.
I may even arrange a prize for the top scorer(s) each month.
A bonus life is awarded at 10,000 points, 30,000 points, 50,000, 70,000 etc.
Purists - please note that some of the subtleties of the arcade version do not apply.
Arrow keys - moves the Pac-man around the screen
P - pause/unpause the game
Q - quit the game
M - mute/unmute sound
L - play game in low-res (for slow PCs)
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Comments & Ratings
Posted on Aug 28th, 2009 @ 15:22:44Rating: 10/10 Posted on Sep 30th, 2006 @ 00:15:31Comment: hi bob Rating: 10/10 Posted on Sep 30th, 2006 @ 00:15:00Comment: hirn Posted on Sep 30th, 2006 @ 00:14:27Comment: i am only 6 Posted on Sep 30th, 2006 @ 00:13:32Comment: pacman 2005 is cool but it only has 3 lefis and it is funny because it has some weer stuffrn Rating: 8/10 Add Your Own Please login or register to add a comment.
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