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Game Information
Genre: Shooting Games
Played: 7544 times
Description: Test your typing skills. Destroy the oncoming soldiers, tanks, mech warriors and other enemies by typing words to shoot them.
Instructions: Correctly type the word that appears under the approaching enemy to defeat them.
Type successive words correctly in order to
gain a multiplier (up to 10x).
If an enemy gets too close, they'll start shooting
at you and taking off your health. If you run out of health, it's game over.
Collect powerups to replenish your health, increase your multiplier, or defeat the oncoming enemies more easily. Some of them have a temporary lasting effect, and will eventually run out. Watch the meter on the lower-left of the screen to see how much time is left on powerups.
When creating your own word banks, you have to include at least 15 words starting with different letters for each list in order for it to
be useable in-game.
Use the CTRL key to bring up the pause menu
where you can adjust the quality settings, volume or quit back to the menu.
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